Mission Statement

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to connect and empower mind-control programmed survivors and their supporters. Through sharing knowledge and resources, exposing the truth hidden from the victims and the public, and supporting the survivors to take actions towards healing, we help survivors break the mind and soul control chain and regain freedom.

Update: November 2021 Web Meeting Presentation

Old Web Meetings Presentation Files: 

BTMKC – April 2021 Web Meeting Presentation

“From one Human to many Virtual Humans: Hypothesis or Upcoming Reality?”

Old web meeting recordings are located in Web Meeting Archive page.

Connect, Learn, and Support

1. Join our monthly web meetings, every month on the second Wednesday, 6:00PM, Pacific Standard Time

Join the discussion and share our knowledge about recovering memory, deprogramming, coping with trauma, and fighting for survival.

Next Web Meeting:

Date/Time: October 16th, 2024, Wednesday, 4:00pm-4:40pm Pacific Standard Time

Click here to join the meeting via Zoom. If required, Zoom meeting password is 7g5XXg.

Or go to Web Meeting Host — Zoom’s website: https://zoom.us/, click “JOIN A MEETING”, enter meeting ID: 295-812-679, and click “Join”. If required, meeting password is 7g5XXg;

Or go to Web Meeting link to find other methods to join the meeting.

2. Join our meet up group “Break-the-Mind-Control-Chain-Support-Group“. We meet twice each month — in an Orange County location every month on 4th Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time, and in a Los Angeles County location every month on 2nd Sunday, 2:00-4:00PM, Pacific Standard Time.

Next 2 Meetups:

A. Los Angeles, CA Meetup:

Date/Time: Starting from March 2020, due to Los Angeles County’s mandatory quarantine requirement, the meetups are postponed until further notice.


Starbucks Store #6557 at downtown Los Angeles, 2nd and Central Street, Starbucks Telephone: 213-613-0393


138 S. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012


How Do We Meet?We will meet at any available table, with a “Break the MK Chain” sign on top of the table. I will be wearing a white shirt and carrying my laptop.

Parking Instruction: Validated Parking in the adjacent parking lot (in front of Office Depot Store at the corner of 2nd and Central), parking is free for 1 hour with some stores’ (such as StarBucks, Office Depot, etc. ) purchase receipt, after the first free hour, it is $2 per 20 minutes or up to $10 per day. There are also street parking meters in front of the store.

See the photo of the meet up location:

B. Orange County, CA Meetup:

Date/Time: Starting from March 2020, due to Orange County’s mandatory quarantine requirement, the meetups are postponed until further notice.


Irvine Heritage Park Library
14361 Yale Avenue
Irvine, CA 92604


How Do We Meet? We will meet at any available table near the check out area, with a “Break the MK Chain” sign on top of the table. I will be wearing a white shirt and carrying my laptop.

Parking is free.

See the photo of the meet up location:


Meet in person with local survivors and supporters, find deprogramming partners and resources, and share experiences.

(Optional) Sign Up in Meetup Group “Break the Mind Control Chain Support Group”

3. Join us and be a volunteer

Help us host a web meeting, lead a meetup event, help with comments and questions, or just share our website. Send us an email if you would like to volunteer.

Go to Contact Email.


Jian Liang’s free eBook: MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED – Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, And The Secret Space Program

Jian Liang’s Interviews:

2018-10-18 Interview with Ramola D.: “Jian Liang, MK ULTRA Whistleblower on Surviving Modern-Day MK on Wall St, Gov, Military”

2018-12-19 Interview with Denny Hunt: “Jian Liang Wall Street Insider’s Absolute Mind Control Testimony”

2019-01-25 Radio Interview with Ground Zero’s Clyde Lewis: “I HEAR THEM W/ ELANA FREELAND AND JIAN LIANG”

Share Information:

We share our knowledge and experience about implanted chips, mind control programming, and other self-help resources in our Articles section. We also welcome you to send us your stories, suggestions, and comments, and will post helpful contents in the Article section.


By Email:


By Mail:

P. O. Box 50902, Irvine, CA 92619



What is new?

New Articles:

Implanted Micro Chip 101

Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming 101

Update on 5-29-2019:

From May 22nd to May 29th, 2019, this non-profit organization’s founder Jian Liang has been passing out business cards and flyers with implanted micro chip and mind control programming information in the office buildings — Bank of America building in 333 S. Hope Street and CBRE building in 400 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles that her former employer – Capital Group – resides in, and reached out many employees in this company to inform them about these horrible facts. During these nights, Jian had been attacked in her brain and heart by direct energy weapons remotely.

On May 28th,2019, while in the Bank of American building, Jian Liang approached the heir of her former employer’s founder who is also working in this company and was passing by, and tried to pass the flyer to him. He did not accept the flyer, but he obviously is aware of what Jian was talking about. Jian also reached out to other senior members in this company.

On the next day, May 29th, 2019, when Jian was distributing flyers in the CBRE building at about 11:15am, she was approached by several security staff of this building and personnel from Capital Group. The Capital Group personnel said Capital Group asks Jian to stop distributing these flyers, and to leave the building and all the buildings that Capital Group resides, and said that the content of the flyer is prohibited when Jian asked whether she can distribute the flyer in the streets outside of the building. The Capital Group personnel said they will monitor Jian in all these buildings and areas. When Jian left the CBRE building and entered to the Bank of American building after 2 hours, she was encountered with more security officers and the same Capital Group personnel, asking her to leave the building. If Jian does not comply, they can apply restrain order by the request of the tenant Capital Group, and call LAPD if Jian distributes these flyers in the streets outside.

The truth will be revealed, and wake up the victims.

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