Implanted Micro Chip 101

  1. The following website includes a link to a paper “Microsystem technologies for implantable applications” that presents a general and broad literature review of Microsystem technologies (MST) for implantable biomedical devices used in human:
  2. Multiple implanted micro chips are used to construct a wireless Body Area Network inside a human’s body to transmit the victim’s information from and to the body. These information are tracked remotely by the cell phone towers (via the victim’s cell phone or nearby perpetrators’ cell phones), radars, satellites, etc., and then be distributed to the “entities” who use these information for their purpose that is normally unknown to the victim.
  3. These “entities” can remotely control these implanted chips to manipulate the victim’s emotions, senses, body functions, etc.
  4. The implanted chips can be used to convert your thoughts as signals (when you think, you are silently talking to yourself, and these inner sound can be captured by the chips and converted into signals), and be transmitted to remotely controlled devices and broadcasted to the “entities”, therefore these “entities” know what you are thinking.
  5. They can also mind control the victim by remotely project their mind-control commands as Silent Sound to a victim’s skull (so called “Voice to Skull (V2K)“, or “synthetic telepathy” technology) that the victim would mistakenly think these commands are his/her own thought, and be manipulated. It is important to know that the V2K-type of mind control is different from the Absolute Torture-Based Mind-Control Programming, which is about creating Multiple Personality Disorder and programming a victim’s alternative personality to achive absolute mind control. This topic will be addressed in a separate section under Articles->Mind Control Programming.
  6. Most of the implanted micro chips are made of toxic materials. They not only cause psychological problems to the victim, but also cause physical damage to the victim’s body.